The assessments will take approximately 1 to 2 hours to complete.

You can manage the assessment process over several sessions. However, please complete any assessment you begin in its entirety before stopping. When you want to begin again, you can log back into the system using the link provided in the email.

Please note that the link must not be shared. It is specifically assigned to you. Do not forward the link as it may be corrupted by other email systems.

This assessment system is not optimized for administration on a mobile device. Moreover, taking assessments on a mobile device can lead to distractions, which can compromise the quality of the results. We strongly recommend you complete these assessments on a laptop or desktop browser.

This assessment system includes the following segments: the personality inventory, the cognitive ability assessment, and then the skills section.

Please ensure that you are using an updated browser and that you have a good internet connection. Poor connections and out of date systems are the largest causes of assessment administration.

We do not provide candidates results of their assessments. To protect the integrity of the assessments, we do not share the answers to test questions with candidates or client companies.