Being resourceful is the ability to find and use available resources to solve problems and achieve goals.
The ability to be resourceful is a personality trait that allows a person to create solutions with limited resources. It involves the ability to create, innovate, and ultimately solve problems. It involves being comfortable working through situations independently, seizing the initiative on opportunities that arise and being comfortable with VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity).
What makes resourceful people different?
Resourceful people perceive problems as opportunities. Opportunity for change, for solutions, and to resolve something that will continue to cause problems if it goes unresolved.
Resourceful people also realize that opportunity is not scarce – it’s abundant. It’s all around them – and can be accessed by anyone at any point in time. Resourceful people want to find the most efficient strategy that will help them attain the best results.
Resourceful people are also willing to attempt different strategies to identify the optimal one, given the situation. Many people are stopped by figurative “brick walls”. They either have no solution or try one solution, and if it does not work, give up.
Resourceful people have a sense of awareness. They know there is an answer, a solution, or an opportunity around every corner. They know that it may take time to get the answer — but their mindset keeps them moving to the next possible solution.
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In today’s complex world, there are challenges that organizations face beyond their control. From political turmoil and economic instability to the uncertainty of new environmental challenges. However, when companies seek out resourceful people and actively develop resourcefulness in others, they are better able to address these concerns.