All posts tagged: Leadership

Elements of Promotability: Unveiling the Path to Career Advancement

Our Talent Audit is a systematic review

Elements of Promotability: Unveiling the Path to Career Advancement

In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, securing a promotion has become increasingly challenging. With a multitude of qualified candidates vying for positions, it’s essential to understand the key elements that make an individual promotable.

Promotability goes beyond technical skills and experience. It encompasses a blend of qualities and attributes that define an individual’s capacity to excel. In this webinar, we will explore the key elements of promotability. Each element plays a vital role in shaping a professional’s path toward career advancement.

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When Your Manager Is Younger (or Less Experienced) Than You

When Your Manager Is Younger (or Less Experienced) Than You

With life expectancies rising by about three years every decade, and many more people living well into their 90’s and longer, people are working longer.
As a result, some companies have as many as five generations coexisting in their workplaces. Chances are high that you may one day report to a manager who is significantly younger than you. This scenario might make some people feel uncomfortable. That’s all the more reason why we should all be asking ourselves how we’d feel working for a younger person. It may happen to you, and it’s best to be prepared. This webinar explores strategies and approaches to get the most out of this situation.

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Effectively Manage Employees Who are Older Than You (and Who Have More Experience)

Today’s workforce is made up of five generations. Chances are that the potential of leading and managing someone older than you is very possible. You may be decades younger than the people you are leading. Yet, effectively managing older employees requires a thoughtful approach that balances respect, open communication, and collaboration. This webinar explores the most effective approaches to managing older, more experienced employees, including tapping into their wealth of knowledge, fostering a positive team dynamic, and promoting continuous learning and development.

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Developing A Growth Mindset: Why It’s Needed for Successful Leadership

Elements of Promotability: Unveiling the Path to Career Advancement

Look into any successful company, and you will find leaders who adopt a growth mindset.

A growth mindset is critical for leaders because it helps them continuously learn, adapt, and improve. A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence, skills, and abilities can be developed through effort, practice, and learning.

In this webinar, we explore the concept of growth mindsets and review methods and approaches that help leaders at all levels develop a growth mindset.

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